The most popular, legal and large prostitution centre in Europe is the Red Light District Amsterdam. Prostitutes, from behind the glass door or window, offer their sexual services which are lit with red lights as this colour of lights is associated with brothels. These are rented one room cabins, which are approximately three hundred in number. RDL is always bustled up with the tourists and it is advised not to explore it alone rather in groups or with companions. You might get a bad experience with any sleazy character.
Various safety measures are taken into account for both the sex workers and the visitors in Red Light district Amsterdam. The existing laws are enforced by the police, the municipal health authorities and the urban district council. It is strictly banned to take photograph of women. Also, Police remains vigilant as to ensure that no minor or not any of the illegal aliens are working as prostitutes. Business may suffer the eventual closure if noncompliance of the laws is practiced. Safety measures for visitors include 24*7 video surveillance of most of the parts of that area in order to keep their belongings and valuables safe from the pick pockets.
Apart from brothels and sex workers in red - lit rooms, Red Light District Amsterdam has a number of peep shows, elaborate condom shops, sex shops, world's first sex museum, and Erotic museum. A souvenir must be bought as a token of remembrance back home and for that erotic museum is the best place to be visited. There is shop where it can be bought. There are a number of paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and artwork that which can be seen in this museum.
Apart from this, Amsterdam's Red light District also has some beautiful coffee shops. The coffee shops have a very comforting and adorable decor, where a pot of coffee can be enjoyed along loved ones. Some of the coffee shops also sell more something to it and i.e. Marijuana. Those who sell weed has a sticker pasted on the window or the main door, which is a half green and a half white flag, indicating that you can get something more than just a coffee. Not everyone sells the same, some only sell coffee and some sell both.
Walk 50-60 ft away on Amsterdam's Red light District and you will stumble upon a fantastic and a cosy bar or a cafe. People here are lovers of jazz music. Nothing make visitors feel happy than a beer pitcher, loud music and a special one beside, in an artistically designed place to chill out. There is an ample of microbreweries and various tasting rooms around the city. Serious beer lovers are catered by an on sight distillation of Dutch beer and a warm welcome by the extremely loving people.
After exploring Cafe's and Coffee shops how can we forget about shopping? Endeavour the bargain hunting for clothing line and other Fashion related accessories in this area. It holds great importance because many windows of the prostitutes that used to work as sex workers have been converted into exhibition studios and spaces to showcase the works of various streets wear talented designers. Shoes and clothing topped the list. Another site which can't be missed is the Oudezijds Armsteeg in Amsterdam's Red light District. Here there are six houses, which are restored because of its beauty and Delft blue appearance.
There is a bronze monument of a prostitute standing right in the centre of the RDL. The statue indicates that prostitute is waiting for the customer. They should be respected for working just like any other occupation and their rights protected. In the end, we shall learn that Amsterdam is a city of love. People fall in love with its beauty and want to come here over and again.
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